Our farm services

We offer a comprehensive service for all manner of production animals, large dairy and beef herds, sheep flocks, smallholdings, poultry, chickens, goats and alpacas.


Routine farm visits

Regular visits for routine fertility work, pregnancy testing, ultrasound scans, beef herd scans and the chance to discuss any health problems on your farm.


Herd health plans

Plans in conjunction with supermarkets and Livestock North West schemes, private farm plans for business development and quarantine plans to prevent disease.


Routine disease monitoring and prevention

Screening programmes for milk or blood samples to assess levels of leptospirosis, BVD and IBR, liver fluke and worm egg counts and disease monitoring.


Surgical procedures

We offer emergency and caesareans, the correction of displaced abomasums, catastrophe operations, calf umbilical hernia repairs, castration and dehorning.


Preventative care

Vaccinations and disease control strategies tailored to your farm, as well as advice on using biosecurity to prevent the introduction or spread of disease.


Milk recording, cell counts and mastitis

We can work with your milk recording company, and offer control measures for high bulk milk cell counts and investigations of clinical mastitis outbreaks.


Interherd and herd companion

We can monitor mastitis, cell counts and fertility, highlight problem cows and trends in cell counts and fertility performance, and conduct long term analysis of your herd.


Lameness investigations for sheep and cattle

Mobility scoring, advice and treatment options for lameness, foot trimming with a mobile crush, a range of foot bath treatments and more.


Farmer meetings and discussion groups

Meetings where guest speakers deliver expert advice, alongside smaller discussion groups where people can share their experience with other local farmers.


Sheep and Lambing

Our farm team can assist a range of sheep clients as well as with lambing, and have a full supply of everything from rubber rings and lambing ropes to milk replacers and marker sprays.


Flock health plans

Health plans to address specific problems, or refine and improve efficiency, and advice on lameness, parasites, abortion, and vaccines for Pasteurella and more.


Scour support

Our team can advise on treating and preventing scour in lambs and cows.



External parasite control

Our vets are well-versed in advising on the control of external parasites like scab and lice, and internal parasites such as roundworm and liver fluke in lambs.


Chickens, goats and pigs

Our farm team is happy to see your chickens, goats and pigs, and can advise you on any particular queries you might have.