Senior Pet Clinics

At Stanley House Vets, we offer senior pet clinics for cats and dogs over the ages of 8. Senior clinics are available across all of our surgeries, provided by our highly qualified veterinary nurses who can advise on many aspects of your pets health care.


Why you should book your senior pet an appointment

  • Senior pet clinics allow you to ask a qualified nurse any questions that you may have regarding your pet’s health as they get older.
  • You are able to discuss your pet’s diet as when animals age they have altered nutritional needs.
  • Provides an opportunity to detect any age related issues.
  • Prolongs good quality of life.

At a senior pet clinic, we will give your pet a health check, weight check and discuss preventative healthcare. This is for pets over the age of 8 that have been seen by a vet in the last year.

Senior Health Packages are here to help!

Here at Stanley House Vets we are always trying to ease the worry of pet owners as WE are pet owners too! We understand as your pet gets older you start to watch them like a hawk and worry more about changes in habits, behaviours, physical looks, mobility, mood changes…everything!

With these amazing new packages we are able to help pick up early signs of old-age conditions. This enables us to start treatment or management to address some issues your pet may have been experiencing. Making sure they are living to their fullest with you every day!

We offer Dog and Cat specific packages, if you are interested please phone any of our branches and they will book you an hour slot with the nurse. Please also fill our the questionnaire and send back to us at least 48 hours before your appointment. This will ensure the nurse has all the required information prior to your appointment.

PLEASE NOTE – unfortunately, any pets on long term medication where regular blood tests are necessary are not eligible. Please phone to find out more, or if you are unsure if you are eligible or not.


Dog Senior Health Package – £70

  • Health Check
  • Weight Check and Nutrition Advice
  • Urine Tests
  • Blood Tests

These tests will enable us to rule out issues such as liver and kidney problems and also conditions such as Diabetes.

Cat Senior Health Package – £75

  • Health Check
  • Weight Check and Nutrition Advice
  • Urine Tests (includes Katkor to make it easier to collect a urine sample from your cat)
  • Blood Tests (including T4 test to rule out thyroid issues)

These tests will enable us to rule out conditions such as Diabetes and Hyperthyroidism, while also measuring their liver and kidney functions.

Basic Health Check

We do offer a basic health check for your senior pets which is free of charge. This includes a head to toe examination and weight check ONLY.

How to book a Senior Pet Clinic appointment

Senior pet clinics require a 1 hour appointment to ensure a thorough health check, please phone, PetsApp or email the surgery to book an appointment as our online booking system does NOT allow 1 hour appointment.

Your will need to complete our senior pet clinic questionnaire which must be returned to us at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.

You can download a copy of our senior pet clinic questionnaire by clicking the link below which will allow you to complete the questionnaire online. Alternatively, you can request the questionnaire from our friendly reception team when booking your appointment. Once completed please return it to us via email, post or by handing it in to one of our surgeries.

If you wish to return your completed questionnaire to us via email, please send it to: [email protected]

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