Chickens, Goats and Pigs


Our team can provide treatment and control programmes to help keep your chickens happy, healthy and productive.

We can treat disease and illness and chickens, and are involved in the treatment, control and prevention of diseases in larger commercial units, where the producer retails eggs to the public.

We can advise you on effective methods of control and treatment for diseases such as coccidiosis, infectious bronchitis, avian bronchitis, infectious laryngo-tracheitis and mycoplasmosis, as well as scaly leg, red mite infestations, bumble foot and parasitic worms.

Chickens may also develop highly contagious respiratory diseases that can spread rapidly through a flock, with a devastating effect on productivity and profitability.

It’s therefore important to monitor your chickens and let us know if you notice any changes, such as dullness, lack of appetite, ruffle feathers, “sleepy” eyes, diminished or no eggs laid, signs of anaemia or what this looks like or diarrhoea.


We’re responsible for the health, welfare and productivity of over a thousand dairy goats, and treat a wide range of goats, including single pets, small groups kept for showing and large commercial herds and dairy goats.

We can treat common conditions such as gut upsets and lameness problems, foot infections, stress and disease, and run a 24-hour ambulatory emergency service.

You know your goats best, so get in touch if you notice any changes in their behaviour, such as lacking energy, poor appetite and persistent bleating.


We offer routine services and 24/7 ambulatory emergency support for pig clients, and our patients range from individual pet pigs and Vietnamese pot bellied pigs to large commercial units producing pigs for the pork and bacon market.

We can advise on the treatment, control and prevention of specific problems and diseases, as well as biosecurity and husbandry.

Our team can develop vaccination and herd health plans tailored to suit your needs, and can help you prevent disease entering your unit via purchased pigs or contaminated material and control diseases already present in your herd.

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